Elementor #1149



The Anti Self-Help Book

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Alice first book is being released in March 2022!

What happens after you’ve read 

every self-help book available?

Will you be healed, enlightened and never get a parking ticket again? Alice Frick, inspirational teacher, PhD in Self-Help Austrian comedian, spent one year exploring the most popular pieces of self-help advice before summing them up in this book. 

Inside you’ll learn . . . 

–       why it’s good if you don’t face your fears;

–       how to pole dance with a broken heart;

–       and what to do when you find out your inner child is a grumpy teenager.


Buy this book and good things will happen! Maybe not to you, but they will happen.



“I highly recommend buying this book! And after you’ve bought it, buy another one – and get your friends to buy a copy too!”

Alice’s Financial Advisor


“Alice’s sense of humour is brilliant. She makes me laugh every time.”

Alice’s Therapist


“I am very impressed by Alice’s work. She is very thorough and clean.”

Alice’s Dentist


“Do you want to buy a book? Then this book is for you!”